Yellow belt course

Yellow belt course

Yellow belt course


  1. أنواع المهدرات  Types of Waste

  2. الإنتاج الزائد Overproduction

  3. العيوبDefects

  4. المخزون Inventory

  5. النقل Transportation

  6. الحركة Motion

  7. الانتظار Waiting

  8. القوى العاملة People (Skilled)

  9. العمليات Processes

  10. أساسيات الإحصاء - Basic Statistics

  11. مصطلحات أساسية في الاحصاء

  12. مثال:

  13.  DPU مثال على العيوب بكل وحدة 

  14. DPU مثال على العيوب بكل وحدة

  15. DMAIC الديماك

  16. DMAIC الديماك 

  17. DEFINE

  18. تعريف المشكلة


  20. مرحلة القياس


  22. Analyze Phase: مرحلة التحليل

  23. Improve Phase

  24. Improve Phase: مرحلة التحسين


  26. Control Phase: مرحلة الضبط

Comments ( 3 )

  • The course was well-paced and provided ample opportunities for practice and review. I appreciated the emphasis on active learning and the use of real-life examples to illustrate key concepts.

  • I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the instruction in this course. The instructors were knowledgeable and approachable, and their passion for the material was contagious

  • I appreciated the focus on practical skills and real-world applications in this course. The material was relevant and applicable to a wide range of industries, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to advance their career.

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