White belt course

White belt course

White belt course


  1. محاور الحزام الأبيض للين ستة سيغما

  2. يتكون اللين ستة سيغما من الأحزمة التالية

  3. نبذة عن اللين ستة سيغما

  4. أمثلة لبعض الشركات التي طبقت نموذج اللين ستة سيغما

  5. Lean Definition تعريف اللين 

  6. Six Sigma Definition  تعريف الستة سيغما

  7. أهداف مشاريع اللين ستة سيغما

  8. Lean Six Sigma

  9. المبادئ الأساسية لتطبيق اللين Lean Principles

  10. DMAIC الديماك

  11. Define Phase - مرحلة التعريف

  12. Measure Phase - مرحلة القياس

  13. Analyze Phase - مرحلة التحليل

  14. Improve Phase - مرحلة التحسين

  15. Control Phase - مرحلة الضبط

Comments ( 3 )

  • This course was an excellent investment in my personal and professional development. I gained new insights and perspectives that have already proven valuable in my day-to-day work.

  • This course is a must-take for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge and skills in a variety of areas. The curriculum is comprehensive and well-structured, and the online learning platform is intuitive and user-friendly.

  • I recently completed this course and it completely exceeded my expectations. The material was presented in an engaging and informative way, and I found it easy to stay focused and engaged throughout the entire program.

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